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Virus Removal

3 hr 30 min
175 US dollars
Customer's Place

Service Description

Upon checking and scanning your computer, please ensure to install your own antivirus software. If necessary, we will utilize our tools to inspect the system; otherwise, the customer will be charged for the premium tool paid. Any additional charges for software reinstallation or data backup will apply separately. We do not assume responsibility for any loss of information. Additional charges can be settled in person with our technician."

Cancellation Policy

The order can be canceled 48 hours before providing the service without any charge, and the full amount of your payment will be returned. If it is on the same day of the service, a charge of $75 will be made, only the rest of the money will be returned plus the corresponding taxes. (It is if you already pay the service.) You have to contact us and send an email to cancel the order.

Contact Details


Los Angeles, California, USA

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